International Gift Show Sep 2015 Kitaichi Shikkiten
Today, I would like to talk about another lovely "Made in Japan" products which I saw at the International Gift Show in Tokyo.

I saw those lovely lacquer table ware at Kitaichi Shikkiten booth.

They have various design of the Japanese lacquer table ware products.

Firstly, those "Juu-bako" which is three layers of boxes, caught my eyes! You can put different type of meal such as salad, grilled, stewed, sweets..., and so on, in the each boxes. We use "Juu-bako" for special new year meal, when you have special guests, and sometimes used as a lunch box when you go to some family event. You feel excited when you open the lid to see what is in it! :)
Then I saw "Tosoki", for drink. Generaly this is for sake but you can put any other drink. Probably not a drink like beer as the cup is very shallow and small. We often use "Tosoki" for ceremony, like new years and traditional marriage.
And "Wan" is also well known as one of the lacqer table ware. We jsue "Wan" mainly for miso soup. They have a bigger Wan for noodles too, which looked lovely!
They also have plates, tray, chopstick rest, etc... Their concept is Simple & Modern. I loved their mixture feeling of traditional and current products!
Kitaichi Shikkiten
今日は先日のインターナショナルギフトショーで目にした別のMade in Japanの商品をご紹介したいと思います。