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collinette lymph, the advanced massage tool; and tin tumbler by Nagae+

I recently attended a combined seminar and charity event (for the Kumamoto Earthquake) on how to use collinette lymph at the Nagae+ showroom in Tokyo.

The collinette lymph is a relaxation massage tool which is hand-made and polished by craftsmen based in Takaoka, Toyama. These craftsmen are highly skilled at casting techniques.

I was already familiar with the collinette as a superior self-massage tool after having introduced the original model here at YaBuy Japan in July 2015. Here is a link to the original piece. <click here to go to the article> Since writing that piece I have barely been able to get my hands on the original collinette as my husband is constantly using it on his head and on his neck to relax tired muscles. I often find it in the fridge! Now I have shown him the latest model and I cannot find that one either, so I guess he likes the new one too. In fact, he tells me that they serve different purposes with the original one being ideal for the skull and upper neck region, whereas the new collinette has a broader application across the rest of the body and contours perfectly against tired muscles including shoulders, upper chest, arms, hands, feet etc.

There is no doubt the original collinette is a great massage tool, yet the newly-released collinette lymph includes advanced design features making it in my view, even more beautiful to touch and hold. Designed ergonomically by an expert masseuse it is also an art-form with its sculptured beauty and shine. Its compact size means you can carry it with you and effortlessly glide its fine contours across tired body parts, soothing your mind and body anywhere, anytime. Your friends will want one too when they see it so you can add this idea to your gift-list!

After hearing about the awesome collinette lymph, we sat down to taste beer! Not different brands of beer, but we drank the same beer firstly from a glass as many people are used to, and then from the SHIKICOLORS, tin tumbler. When beer was poured into the tin tumbler alongside the glass, you could clearly see the difference! The beer head in the SHIKICOLORS tin tumbler was silky and smooth compared to the beer in the glass and amazingly it tasted different too! The beer in the SHIKICOLORS tin tumbler was much tastier and much more mellow. I was genuinely surprised at the extent to which the taste changed depending on the material used in the vessel.

Please find more information on the Nagae+ website;


コリネットは、富山高岡の高床な 鋳物技術ず熟緎の職人によっお、䞀぀䞀぀手磚きで䜜られおいる、アルミ補のリラクれヌションマッサヌゞツヌルです。

コリネットがずおも優秀なセルフマッサヌゞツヌルずいうこずは、以前このYaBuy Japanのサむトで玹介させおいただいたずおり、よく知っおいたした。コリネットの蚘事 2015幎7月 コリネットの蚘事を曞いおからずいうもの、自宅にあるコリネットは、䞻人がい぀も頭や銖の筋肉を和らげるために䜿っおいるためなかなか自分で䜿うこずができたせん。䞻人は冷やしお䜿うのが奜きなため、冷蔵庫の䞭にあるコリネットを芋぀けるこずもしばしば。笑。今回、圌にこの進化した新しいコリネットリンプを芋せおからは、たたなかなか私自身に戻っおきたせん。やっぱり気に入ったみたいです。笑。実際、最初のコリネットを䞻人は䞻に頭や銖に䜿っおいたのですが足裏にもいいです、コリネットリンプはたたそれに加えお手、肩、腕、胞、腰、足ず党身にずおもフィットしたす。




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