Tweed Kimono Artbook

Hi! I went to "Tweed Kimono Artbook" exibition today.
This unique and beautiful tweed kimono is designed by Ms. Sumire Ishioka. She is still young, but very creative and she is such an artist.
Why Tweed Kimono is unique? Because Tweed is not usually used for Kimono. Sumire went to a Kimono school past few years and leant all about Kimono. While she was at the school, she fell in love with tweed and tried to make Kimono by tweed.
She travels and find tweed materials from Japan and France. She loves the tweed from France, which is also made for Chanel.
Sumire loves Tweed materials becaust it is colourful, heartful and powerful. She coordinate her designed Tweed Kimono with flower language, so there are always flowers when she cordinate her Tweed Kimono. Her coordinate is very authentic and artistic.

Tweed as it is, is colourful and every tweed has different impression. Her coordinate with collaboration with flower language makes her art even more unique and epical.
Sumire is a fresh cutting edge artist whose future success is greatly anticipated.
>>> Today's YaBuy
Tweed Kimono Art Book by Sumire Ishioka
If you have any inquiry about this book, please contact here.

今日は石岡すみれさんの、ユニークで美しい「ツィード キモノ アートブック」展に行ってきました。石岡さんはまだとてもお若いのですが、とてもクリエイティブなアーティストさんです。

「ツイード キモノ アートブック」 石岡すみれ